How is a Registered Dietitian Different Than a Nutritionist?
Nutritional counseling by a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist means you are working with a licensed health care provider who has had extensive education and training in the field of dietetics. Dietitians are trained to help provide medical nutrition therapy for nutritional treatment and prevention of disease. Often nutritional counseling is covered through insurance at no cost with a dietitian to help prevent further development of a disease or reduction of risk for a disease. Some examples include being overweight, having altered lab values like high cholesterol or blood sugars, or being diagnosed with hypertension or diabetes.
Knowing what to do and actually doing it are two very separate concepts. Often we know we need to exercise more, reduce our portions, or eat out less but without someone holding us accountable it's easy to fall back into old habits that can lead you down the path of poor health. Our dietitians are also your accountability partner and will help guide you in determining actions to take today improve your health and hold you accountable to the commitments you have made.